"How do I distribute survey accounts to participants?"
Once your survey is set up and activated, you must download a list of accounts to distribute to participants through the Survey taker list and passwords option under the My Surveys menu. The list will include a unique username and password for each participant. You can randomly distribute one account to each student who is taking the survey.
Most schools cut these usernames and passwords into individual slips of paper and allow students to draw them from a container before taking the survey. This increases students’ confidence that the survey is truly anonymous.
Students and Teachers complete the survey by going to https://www.tellthemfromme.com/ and entering their unique username and password.
For your convenience, we offer the option to download the list in CSV, PDF, or Microsoft's Excel (.xls) format.
If your School is doing both the Secondary survey and the Primary survey we also recommend printing the two lists of usernames and passwords on different color sheets. This helps with ensuring you are distributing the correct survey accounts to the correct grades.
"I have set up a survey. Can you send me my student account login information?"
You can retrieve the list of usernames and passwords by selecting the Survey Taker List and Passwords option under the My Surveys menu. From there, you can choose to download the list in CSV, Excel, or PDF format.
"When setting up the survey, we estimated too few participants. Can you add some extra accounts and send them to me?"
If you need additional survey participant accounts, please contact the Helpdesk to request them. If your school has more than one active survey, be sure to mention which one you need the accounts created for. Ordinarily, we are able to create these new accounts the same day requested.
Once the extra accounts are created, you will receive an email from support@thelearningbar.com. From there, you can download the list of new accounts through the Survey Taker List and Passwords option under the My Surveys menu. The newest accounts will be the ones at the bottom of the list.