The Tell Them From Me Teacher Survey is an effective way to gather reliable insight from teachers and further increase school effectiveness. This online survey instrument allows teachers to give their input into school improvement in an anonymous manner.
Schools can use this insight as a planning tool to focus on the development of effective professional learning strategies that meet the needs of teachers to improve student learning outcomes.
Research Behind the Survey
The TTFM® Teacher Survey is a self-evaluation tool for teachers and schools which is based on two complementary research paradigms.
The first paradigm of the TTFM Teacher Survey, effective Schools, is based on research that indicates which school-based factors positively influence learning outcomes. The fundamental characteristics that are common among successful schools have been identified as the Correlates of Effective Schools, and have been largely based on the work of Larry Lezotte (1991). The Effective Schools research was used to support the underlying construction of the eight drivers of student learning:
- Leadership
- Collaboration
- Learning Culture
- Data Informs Practice
- Teaching Strategies
- Technology
- Inclusive School
- Parental Involvement
The second paradigm of the TTFM Teacher Survey, related to dimensions of classroom and school practices, is based on the learning model that is used in the Outward Bound program. In Visible Learning, Hattie listed the four keys to teaching and learning. These four keys are used in Outward Bound, making it such a successful program. The second section of the TTFM Teacher Survey specifically maps on to the four keys mentioned by Hattie:
- Challenging and Visible Goals: Emphasis on the immediate quality of the experience, as well as aiming to have these immediate experiences have an effect on later experiences. (the presentation of tangible and challenging goals).
- Planned Learning Activities: Difficult and specific goals that are known to the learner. Tasks are laid out so the learners can achieve them.
- Quality Feedback: Participants are given a large quantity of quality feedback, something that is vital to the learning process.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Learning: The teacher is aware of the need to understand and re-assess individuals cognitive, personal, and social coping strategies (for example, learning strategies, fears, help-seeking).
Inform Professional Learning
The TTFM suite of surveys provides schools with valuable insight from student, parent, and teacher voice into effective practices that enhance school growth.