1. Log on to www.tellthemfromme.com.
2. Click on the Survey Setup link, located under 'My Surveys'.
3. Select the Tell Them From Me® Teacher Survey.
4. Add up to two optional Open-Ended Questions (OEQs).
5. Add up to two optional Multiple-Choice or Multiple Answer Questions (MCQs/MAQs).
Did you know? A guide to creating custom questions is available here, as well as some sample custom questions here.
6. Enter the number of teachers that will be invited to take part in the survey.
7. Activate the survey. You can also save it and come back later to finish, or delete it and start over.
8. Download and distribute usernames and passwords.
Did you know? We provide a letter template here that can be used to inform teachers about the survey, which includes a space to insert login information. Alternatively, you could email your teachers individually, or distribute the login information on individual strips of paper.
9. Keep an eye on Monitor Progress (under the yellow My Surveys menu), and when ready, close the survey by clicking on the “Close Survey” link.
Once your survey is closed, reports will be produced within three school days. You receive a notification email when they are available.